August 2023 – Present
DECEMBER 2019 – July 2023​
JANUARY 2020 – July 2023
August JUNE 2019 – JULY 2019
Cram Crew, Katy, TX
Academic tutoring firm designed to support clients through the college application process
Edited and designed 100+ resumes, essays, appeals, and letters of continued interest via Microsoft Word and Adobe InDesign for clients throughout college application process.
​Managed a queue of 450+ documents by reviewing time-sensitive essays for grammatical errors or assigning them to team to meet deadlines.
Wrote and proofread company content, including a blog post on spaced studying for business website and a PowerPoint presentation for University of Houston students on creating resumes.
University of Houston College of Education
UH college established to improve the education and health of all
Wrote articles spotlighting faculty, staff, and student success, such as earning recognition from Association for Psychological Science.
Generated Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram content to apprise 9000+ followers of upcoming COE events and awards and research faculty, staff, and students earned or authored.
Developed a storyboard for a video celebrating a colleague to boost morale and build community using footage submitted by faculty and staff and wrote instructions for interested participants on how to contribute, such as how long their filmed submission should be.
OutSmart Magazine, Houston, TX
Organization founded to cover local and international news about the LGBTQ community
Wrote monthly print and online publications about Houston LGBTQ+ community for an audience of 29,000+.
Pitched story ideas after contacting and following up with local LGBTQ+ leaders and organizations through email, phone, and Messenger to learn about future projects and events.
Assisted managing editor with proofreading drafts of contributing writers by correcting grammatical errors and misspelled names and organizations after double-checking accurate wording via Google.
University of Houston Kathrine G. McGovern College of the Arts
UH college committed to the performing and visual arts
Arranged interviews with faculty, alumni, and students through professional emails featuring an introduction, name, position, writer/editor responsibilities, and availability.
Wrote and edited 50+ articles highlighting faculty, alumni, and student achievements, such as becoming an Artist-in-Residency Program Director.
Edited newsletters, advertisements, and brochures for seven UH schools and centers to raise awareness of services institutions offer.
Newsy, Columbia, MO
Organization dedicated to anti-partisan news ​
Completed weeklong Newsy Academy bootcamp for national news production training featuring meetings with working journalists and video editors.
Produced 10 animations of recent national news using Motion and Final Cut software to enhance storytelling.
Ensured animations were accessible to all viewers, including those hard of hearing and seeing, by typing and incorporating subtitles into published visuals.
Houston Chronicle
Largest daily newspaper in Houston, Texas
Revised 10+ articles at copy desk and contributed to breaking news.
Conducted cold calls and performed on-the-ground reporting.
Compiled relevant slideshows for articles to encourage audience engagement.